Listening: I love Law and Order! Actually, I'm flipping stations between this and a Cops marathon. Maybe I was meant to be a detective. Oooh - have any of you watched the new show Nightwatch on A&E? It's on Thursday nights at 10:00. It's pretty good too! I was also listening to some horrible music while waiting for 35 MINUTES to ask Groupon a simple question. Why can't they at least have some good music on hold?
Loving: This beautiful weather - it's been about 70-72 degrees in the afternoons. So nice. I know, I know...I just said I wanted a snow day, but this weather is nice! How about a 70 degree snow day? That would be perfect. Then, we wouldn't have to go to school, and we could still go out and play in the snow. Actually, I think the schools down here should build in perfect weather days like northern schools build in snow days. Can you imagine? Waking up to an announcement on the radio, "The weather is going to be gloriously sunny and 75 degrees today causing all of the districts in the North Florida area to cancel classes!" How nice would that be?!
Thinking: How nice would a Sunday afternoon nap be right about now?
Wanting: Spring break can't come soon enough. Not because I wanna get away from my class. Actually, we are just starting to get into our groove. I want spring break to come because my mom, my aunt, and I have a girls trip planned. We are headed to LA to see my sister! She went out there to work as a traveling nurse and loved Hollywood so much she stayed. I've never been to California and we have some fun things planned. Plus, we haven't seen her since she moved out there in 2008, so we are SUPER EXCITED!!!
Needing: I'm reading all these blogs and seeing that a lot of you have your own laminator at home. How nice would that be? Sigh...Hopefully that will be my next big purchase! That would make things so much easier!
Pageant Title: Yep, that's me! I usually wait until the last minute to do things. I tend to focus better when it's crunch time. Some of the best grades I got in college were on paper when I wrote them just a few hours before class.
I can't wait to check out your Currently posts. But before I go, if any of you have some must sees in the LA/Hollywood area, please leave me a comment and let me know!