1. I spent a month in Europe after I graduated from high school.
2. Since I moved to Florida 15 years ago, I have never been to the beach.
3. I met my husband at a pool tournament.
Most of you chose #2 as the lie. Guess what....that one is actually true! The lie was #3. I actually met my hubby through some friends and thought that he was too young for me (he has such a baby face). I was in the middle of a pool tournament when I found out he was only 1 year younger than me. When I heard that I asked him out and the rest, as they say, is history! Here is a picture of us celebrating our 13th anniversary a couple years ago. We'll celebrate our 15th this August!
Spring Break has officially begun!!!
Yeah for Spring Break for you... I'll be heading back on Monday. Gettinig up and going so early in the morning is going to be TOUGH!
Teaching Little Miracles